Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What's News

We continue to forge ahead, step by step. This past month we developed a rubric for the portfolio, we scheduled a senior class meeting for January 6, 2009 to help the seniors with final project e-portfolio expectations, i.e. The Major Deliverables for 12th grade. We requested Mr. Teifel and Mrs. Atkins deliver this part to the senior class. We also will present our self directed plans in late January to Deb and Rich as a team. A first. We are so cutting edge!
Our PLC is new venture for all of us, for our school as a whole. It is exciting to be a part of and rewarding to see the e-portfolio project coming to fruition. To quote Ghandi: "Be the change you wish to see in the world"...for us it's the change we wish to see for our school, the move to collaboration and connectivity.

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