Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Random Thought- maybe more for future

Our focus now is on the ePortfolio as it should be, however as we move forward here is something to think about... I'm sitting in class right now listening to my instructor talk about how they have a basic computer skills test that all their 9th graders have to pass. This includes Microsoft Office apps, Google Docs, Inspiration, and Movie Maker. How awsome would that be?? We have talked about getting the kids going with gmail and google docs as a future goal but how great would it be to KNOW there was a base level of comp. ability- to teach that to Freshman along with the workings of Wetpaint is a possible future goal!

1 comment:

Christine DiPaulo said...

Not so random Mike...great idea. I think we take a lot for granted about what we think kids know how to do and what they actually can do.