We began this school year with new leadership. Mike Stanley is heading the team and our first order of business was to meet in September. We outlined our goals and objectives for the 2010-2011 school year with the major focus on Job Shadowing and reflection. Mike suggested we create a survey to gauge where students are currently in portfolio development and identify Apple Core members for this year. The survey was created in Google Forms and posted to My CTE Portfolio page in Moodle. Information was collected in each of the following teachers classes: Caruso/Stanley 10th grade, Stanley 11th grade and Gordner 12th grade. One student from each shop will be chosen to be on the team. Job shadowing deadlines were set: November 24 2010 for Seniors and Juniors should complete their Job Shadowing by the end of 3rd Quarter (March 28, 2011).
We also talked about adding a refection to the portfolio as part of the 10th grade deliverable. We looked at the following resources:
o http://electronicportfolios.com/reflection/index.html
o http://www.delicious.com/eportfolios/reflection/
and determined the Career Paper in 10th grade was a great place for students to to begin reflecting.
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