This year at PETE&C Sir Ken Robinson was the keynote speaker. (See Sir Ken's video below) He spoke about finding your passion! In his new book The Element, he asks the question of his audience "How intelligent are you?" But the real question he say is "How are you intelligent?" During his keynote address to a packed house he says “It’s not about reforming education, it’s about transforming education into something else” and "Being in your Element is about doing something for which you have a NATURAL capacity/aptitude. Being good at something isn’t enough to be in your element, you also have to LOVE it." Talent show itself in many different ways and we need to create an environment and the conditions to promote the development of those talents in our kids. We need to teach with a sense of purpose where assessment plays a role but is not the CULTURE! Help kids find things that give their life purpose and meaning.
Chris Lehmann, Principal of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia was the keynote speaker on the second day. Chris' message is one of hope and vision for the future of education. He talks about dreaming BIG, about responsibility trumping accountability when it comes to providing a meaningful education to all kids. To dare kids to do work that matters. He sites MIT where the brightest people in the world work in what they call "Life Long Kindergarten." Their mission is to help children grow up as creative thinkers. . There are no other moments during the course of the conference in which I feel compelled to stand on my feet and cheer, when I feel truly inspired and excited about educational transformation. When I realize how much I love to teach! “The illiterates of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”- Alvin Toffler. I am in a constant state of "Learn, UnLearn, ReLearn". Chris reminds us that we need to educate not train. Form partnerships and collaborative environments for kids to learn. That drives me to be a better educator, mentor and leader.
One aspect of Chris’ keynote that really inspired me was SLA Advisories. All the students at SLA are partnered with a teacher as an advisor. They meet once a week and these teachers are mentors to students for all 4 years. Advisories would be a wonderful way to provide our students with support and training for career e-portfolios. All the members of the faculty would mentor 10 or less students for all 4 years including working with them on the development of e-portfolios. We could make an important impact in the lives of our kids by meeting them where they are, working closely with them, and encouraging their creativity as they begin the journey of their Career and Technical Education and Career e-Portfolios.
Watch Chris' keynote from PETE&C on USTREAM.
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